BANK OF INDIA ELSS Tax Saver -Regular Plan- Growth

Category: Equity: ELSS
Launch Date: 25-02-2009
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: BSE 500 TRI
Expense Ratio: 2.07% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 500.0
Minimum Topup: 500.0
Total Assets: 1,441.45 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 105%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


2.95 (1.8868%)

CAGR Since Inception


BSE 500 TRI 12.44%

PERFORMANCE of BANK OF INDIA ELSS Tax Saver -Regular Plan- Growth

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Alok Singh

Investment Objective

The scheme seeks to build a diversified portfolio of stocks of companies having sustainable business models, without any bias of market capitalisation and sector. The scheme will follow top-down approach of equity selection.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
25-02-2009 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
25-03-2009 10.42 - 104200 4.2 %
27-04-2009 12.41 - 124100 24.1 %
25-05-2009 16.42 - 164200 64.2 %
25-06-2009 16.68 - 166800 66.8 %
27-07-2009 18.51 - 185100 85.1 %
25-08-2009 19.35 - 193500 93.5 %
25-09-2009 20.33 - 203300 103.3 %
26-10-2009 20.97 - 209700 109.7 %
25-11-2009 22.09 - 220900 120.9 %
29-12-2009 22.9 - 229000 129.0 %
25-01-2010 22.38 - 223800 123.8 %
25-02-2010 21.12 - 211200 111.2 %
25-03-2010 22.94 - 229400 129.4 %
26-04-2010 24.31 - 243100 143.1 %
25-05-2010 20.84 - 208400 108.4 %
25-06-2010 22.07 - 220700 120.7 %
26-07-2010 22.83 - 228300 128.3 %
25-08-2010 23.96 - 239600 139.6 %
27-09-2010 25.17 - 251700 151.7 %
25-10-2010 25.67 - 256700 156.7 %
25-11-2010 23.78 - 237800 137.8 %
27-12-2010 23.96 - 239600 139.6 %
25-01-2011 22.49 - 224900 124.9 %
25-02-2011 20.58 - 205800 105.8 %
25-03-2011 21.92 - 219200 119.2 %
25-04-2011 22.83 - 228300 128.3 %
25-05-2011 21.16 - 211600 111.6 %
27-06-2011 21.81 - 218100 118.1 %
25-07-2011 22.44 - 224400 124.4 %
25-08-2011 19.74 - 197400 97.4 %
26-09-2011 19.53 - 195300 95.3 %
25-10-2011 20.74 - 207400 107.4 %
25-11-2011 18.94 - 189400 89.4 %
26-12-2011 19.06 - 190600 90.6 %
25-01-2012 20.1 - 201000 101.0 %
27-02-2012 20.61 - 206100 106.1 %
26-03-2012 20.36 - 203600 103.6 %
25-04-2012 20.51 - 205100 105.1 %
25-05-2012 19.4 - 194000 94.0 %
25-06-2012 20.14 - 201400 101.4 %
25-07-2012 20.48 - 204800 104.8 %
27-08-2012 21.29 - 212900 112.9 %
25-09-2012 22.21 - 222100 122.1 %
25-10-2012 22.6 - 226000 126.0 %
26-11-2012 22.41 - 224100 124.1 %
26-12-2012 23.2 - 232000 132.0 %
25-01-2013 23.2 - 232000 132.0 %
25-02-2013 22.4 - 224000 124.0 %
25-03-2013 21.55 - 215500 115.5 %
25-04-2013 22.7 - 227000 127.0 %
27-05-2013 23.23 - 232300 132.3 %
25-06-2013 21.73 - 217300 117.3 %
25-07-2013 22.78 - 227800 127.8 %
26-08-2013 21.55 - 215500 115.5 %
25-09-2013 23.1 - 231000 131.0 %
25-10-2013 24.56 - 245600 145.6 %
25-11-2013 24.62 - 246200 146.2 %
26-12-2013 25.26 - 252600 152.6 %
27-01-2014 24.89 - 248900 148.9 %
25-02-2014 25.49 - 254900 154.9 %
25-03-2014 26.55 - 265500 165.5 %
25-04-2014 27.39 - 273900 173.9 %
26-05-2014 30.11 - 301100 201.1 %
25-06-2014 31.33 - 313300 213.3 %
25-07-2014 32.02 - 320200 220.2 %
25-08-2014 32.86 - 328600 228.6 %
25-09-2014 33.17 - 331700 231.7 %
27-10-2014 33.96 - 339600 239.6 %
25-11-2014 36.03 - 360300 260.3 %
26-12-2014 35.85 - 358500 258.5 %
27-01-2015 38.99 - 389900 289.9 %
25-02-2015 38.5 - 385000 285.0 %
25-03-2015 38.39 - 383900 283.9 %
27-04-2015 36.57 - 365700 265.7 %
25-05-2015 38.04 - 380400 280.4 %
25-06-2015 38.25 - 382500 282.5 %
27-07-2015 38.52 - 385200 285.2 %
25-08-2015 37.37 - 373700 273.7 %
28-09-2015 37.3 - 373000 273.0 %
26-10-2015 38.33 - 383300 283.3 %
26-11-2015 36.9 - 369000 269.0 %
28-12-2015 37.05 - 370500 270.5 %
25-01-2016 34.4 - 344000 244.0 %
25-02-2016 31.88 - 318800 218.8 %
28-03-2016 34.2 - 342000 242.0 %
25-04-2016 35.71 - 357100 257.1 %
25-05-2016 36.03 - 360300 260.3 %
27-06-2016 36.82 - 368200 268.2 %
25-07-2016 39.41 - 394100 294.1 %
25-08-2016 40.19 - 401900 301.9 %
26-09-2016 41.03 - 410300 310.3 %
25-10-2016 41.89 - 418900 318.9 %
25-11-2016 37.45 - 374500 274.5 %
26-12-2016 35.11 - 351100 251.1 %
25-01-2017 39.64 - 396400 296.4 %
27-02-2017 40.71 - 407100 307.1 %
27-03-2017 41.58 - 415800 315.8 %
25-04-2017 44.21 - 442100 342.1 %
25-05-2017 43.74 - 437400 337.4 %
27-06-2017 44.96 - 449600 349.6 %
25-07-2017 47.9 - 479000 379.0 %
28-08-2017 48.74 - 487400 387.4 %
25-09-2017 49.7 - 497000 397.0 %
25-10-2017 51.85 - 518500 418.5 %
27-11-2017 54.65 - 546500 446.5 %
26-12-2017 57.42 - 574200 474.2 %
25-01-2018 58.71 - 587100 487.1 %
26-02-2018 55.08 - 550800 450.8 %
26-03-2018 54.04 - 540400 440.4 %
25-04-2018 57.81 - 578100 478.1 %
25-05-2018 56.37 - 563700 463.7 %
25-06-2018 54.63 - 546300 446.3 %
25-07-2018 54.98 - 549800 449.8 %
27-08-2018 57.01 - 570100 470.1 %
25-09-2018 50.03 - 500300 400.3 %
25-10-2018 44.58 - 445800 345.8 %
26-11-2018 47.61 - 476100 376.1 %
26-12-2018 47.45 - 474500 374.5 %
25-01-2019 46.55 - 465500 365.5 %
25-02-2019 46.51 - 465100 365.1 %
25-03-2019 48.77 - 487700 387.7 %
25-04-2019 50.01 - 500100 400.1 %
27-05-2019 51.78 - 517800 417.8 %
25-06-2019 50.84 - 508400 408.4 %
25-07-2019 48.03 - 480300 380.3 %
26-08-2019 48.72 - 487200 387.2 %
25-09-2019 51.89 - 518900 418.9 %
25-10-2019 53.3 - 533000 433.0 %
25-11-2019 54.43 - 544300 444.3 %
26-12-2019 55.35 - 553500 453.5 %
27-01-2020 57.15 - 571500 471.5 %
25-02-2020 59.57 - 595700 495.7 %
25-03-2020 43.49 - 434900 334.9 %
27-04-2020 49.6 - 496000 396.0 %
26-05-2020 47.32 - 473200 373.2 %
25-06-2020 51.76 - 517600 417.6 %
27-07-2020 55.55 - 555500 455.5 %
25-08-2020 60.38 - 603800 503.8 %
25-09-2020 59.31 - 593100 493.1 %
26-10-2020 61.66 - 616600 516.6 %
25-11-2020 66.81 - 668100 568.1 %
28-12-2020 72.36 - 723600 623.6 %
25-01-2021 73.47 - 734700 634.7 %
25-02-2021 78.78 - 787800 687.8 %
25-03-2021 76.1 - 761000 661.0 %
26-04-2021 79.79 - 797900 697.9 %
25-05-2021 84.24 - 842400 742.4 %
25-06-2021 89.09 - 890900 790.9 %
26-07-2021 94.19 - 941900 841.9 %
25-08-2021 95.59 - 955900 855.9 %
27-09-2021 101.81 - 1018100 918.1 %
25-10-2021 100.67 - 1006700 906.7 %
25-11-2021 101.76 - 1017600 917.6 %
27-12-2021 100.73 - 1007300 907.3 %
25-01-2022 98.08 - 980800 880.8 %
25-02-2022 93.41 - 934100 834.1 %
25-03-2022 95.77 - 957700 857.7 %
25-04-2022 95.52 - 955200 855.2 %
25-05-2022 86.29 - 862900 762.9 %
27-06-2022 85.91 - 859100 759.1 %
25-07-2022 91.89 - 918900 818.9 %
25-08-2022 97.24 - 972400 872.4 %
26-09-2022 96.96 - 969600 869.6 %
25-10-2022 100.74 - 1007400 907.4 %
25-11-2022 102.78 - 1027800 927.8 %
26-12-2022 100.69 - 1006900 906.9 %
25-01-2023 98.81 - 988100 888.1 %
27-02-2023 96.89 - 968900 868.9 %
27-03-2023 94.54 - 945400 845.4 %
25-04-2023 100.72 - 1007200 907.2 %
25-05-2023 103.27 - 1032700 932.7 %
26-06-2023 106.61 - 1066100 966.1 %
25-07-2023 112.23 - 1122300 1022.3 %
25-08-2023 113.54 - 1135400 1035.4 %
25-09-2023 119.07 - 1190700 1090.7 %
25-10-2023 113.56 - 1135600 1035.6 %
28-11-2023 124.66 - 1246600 1146.6 %
26-12-2023 135.83 - 1358300 1258.3 %
25-01-2024 138.31 - 1383100 1283.1 %
26-02-2024 148.57 - 1485700 1385.7 %
26-03-2024 148.16 - 1481600 1381.6 %
25-04-2024 157.58 - 1575800 1475.8 %
27-05-2024 163.96 - 1639600 1539.6 %
25-06-2024 169.81 - 1698100 1598.1 %
25-07-2024 171.47 - 1714700 1614.7 %
26-08-2024 174.77 - 1747700 1647.7 %
25-09-2024 174.99 - 1749900 1649.9 %
25-10-2024 162.86 - 1628600 1528.6 %
25-11-2024 167.56 - 1675600 1575.6 %
26-12-2024 169.24 - 1692400 1592.4 %
14-01-2025 156.35 - 1563500 1463.5 %


Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of BANK OF INDIA ELSS Tax Saver -Regular Plan- Growth

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
BANK OF INDIA ELSS Tax Saver -Regular Plan- Growth 14.26 0.71 2.15 0.99 - -
Equity: ELSS - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of BANK OF INDIA ELSS Tax Saver -Regular Plan- Growth

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
BANK OF INDIA ELSS Tax Saver -Regular Plan- Growth 25-02-2009 11.62 24.37 13.89 22.67 15.65
Motilal Oswal ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 05-01-2015 28.48 36.03 21.29 21.41 0.0
HSBC Tax Saver Equity Fund - Growth 05-01-2007 22.3 25.9 14.13 18.13 12.89
HSBC ELSS Tax saver Fund - Regular Growth 01-01-2013 21.61 26.72 14.16 17.41 13.21
WhiteOak Capital ELSS Tax Saver Fund Regular Plan Growth 14-10-2022 20.44 27.46 0.0 0.0 0.0
SBI Long Term Equity Fund - Regular Plan- Growth 31-03-1993 20.18 31.13 20.85 22.83 14.33
JM ELSS Tax Saver Fund (Regular) - Growth option 31-03-2008 19.12 27.09 15.26 19.78 15.18
LIC MF ELSS Tax Saver-Regular Plan-Growth 31-03-1997 18.71 22.74 12.55 15.14 11.25
Invesco India ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth 29-12-2006 17.51 25.82 11.49 17.56 13.81
DSP ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 05-01-2007 17.46 24.08 15.26 19.77 15.3


Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


